Friends of Grovelands School (FROGS)
Grovelands Primary School is fortunate to have a fantastic team of committed and active helpers who have been an integral part of the school community for many years. Their aim is to provide extras for the children that will encourage, enhance and enrich their learning journey here at Grovelands.
FROGS is run by parents with children at the school, who volunteer their time to help the school and the Grovelands community. If you have any ideas or would like to help, please email them at:
FROGS Fundraising Events
We stage a variety of events throughout the school terms…here are just a few:
- Summer Fair
- Christmas Fair (open to all)
- Discos – Valentines and Halloween
- Nights for the family
- Quiz nights (adults only!)
- Adult Socials
- Children’s Sponsored Events (Sponsored Walk)
- Freezy Friday (after school ice pop sale)
- Nearly New Sales (toys, books, etc)
- Uniform sale
We are currently raising funds to go towards a new Forest Schools area!
Minutes of Meetings
Please see below minutes of our previous meetings for your information.